Passwords can only be changed while using a school owned computer located on campus.  Please note that this procedure will affect both your email password and your computer login password.

  1. While holding down the Ctrl and Alt key on your keyboard, press the Delete key.
  2. Click on the "Change Password" button.
  3. Enter your current password in the "Old password" box
  4. Enter your new password in the "New password" box
  5. Retype your new password in the "Confirm password" box
  6. Press the Enter key on your keyboard or click the button.

New passwords that do not meet security requirements will be rejected.  Passwords must:

  • Be at least eight characters
  • Contain at least one letter
  • Contain at least one number
  • Contain at least one symbol
  • Cannot contain your first or last name
  • Cannot contain the word "Password"